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Our Best Answer: Am I still responsible for tuition if I did a Medical Leave of Absence?

Medical Leave of Absence

If your Medical Leave of Absence is effective after the first day of classes but within the tuition refund period, you will be charged a tuition liability. The term "tuition liability" refers to the percentage of tuition and fees a student owes based on original tuition charges.

If you are entitled to a refund, the amount received is based on attendance verification. If the effective date on the Medical Leave of Absence is after the last day of the refund period, and/or if the attendance verification record indicates that you attended classes after the last day of the refund period, you are liable for all tuition and fees and no refund is due.

Please keep in mind how a Medical Leave of Absence affects your financial aid if you have paid for your registration with Pell and/or TAP. Federal regulations stipulate that the Medical Leave of Absence is not to exceed 180 days within a 12-month period. In the event that the leave exceeds this time period, it is considered a withdrawal and the return of all Title IV (Pell) funds apply.

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