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Our Best Answer: What is the test I have to take for TAP if I graduated outside the U.S.?

ATB Test

The ATB (Ability to Benefit) test may be required by TAP if you did not graduate in the United States. You should speak with a financial aid specialist to determine whether you need to take this exam and when you can take the test. Students will be notified about taking the ATB exam once a virtual ATB exam is in place.

The ATB demonstrates that you have been tested to meet New York State eligibility for TAP state aid and tests you in reading, writing and math. It does not affect your CUNY entrance grades or placement.

If a student fails any portion of the ATB test, they will be eligible to retest after 14 days.

Passing ATB scores prior to September 28, 2020:

  • Sentence skills -- 60
  • Reading -- 55
  • Math -- 34

Passing ATB scores as of September 28, 2020:

  • Writing -- 235
  • Reading -- 233
  • Math -- 230

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